My Very First Mother Goose
当当自营进口儿童书由中国图书进出口(集团)总公司童书馆供货 鹅妈妈童谣(MotherGoose)是英国民间童谣集。这些民间童谣在英国流传时间相当久,有的长达数百年,总数约有八百多首,内容典雅,有幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、催眠曲、字母歌、数数歌、绕口令、动物歌等,英国人称其为 Nursery Rhymes(儿歌),美国人称其为 MotherGoose(鹅妈妈童谣),是英、美人士从孩童时代就耳熟能详的儿歌。 不同的编辑和插画手出版过各种版本的鹅妈妈童谣。本版本是廖彩杏推荐图书,它的插画手是广受儿童欢迎的Max and Ruby系列图书的作者。
Should we add Mother Goose to the list of endangered species? Possibly. The advent of television and our increasingly busy schedules tend to crowd such treasures as lullabies and fairy tales from the lives of our children--unless of course they come to us courtesy of the Disney Corporation. Fortunately, we have British folklorist Iona Opie and illustrator Rosemary Wells there to serve as our last line of defence against the disappearance of Mother Goose and her menagerie of animals and humans. Together, the pair has collaborated on an enchanting collection of Mother Goose rhymes that should help ensure that these charming little poems remain a part of our culture for at least another generation or two.
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