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Peppa Pig 之 Nature Trail

Peppa Pig 之 Piggy in the Middle

Peppa Pig 之 The Playgroup

“A told B, and B told C, ‘I’ll meet you on top of the coconuttree.’” This rollicking rhythmic beginning starts a lively, tongue-tingling adventure as all the characters from A to Z try to climb to the top of the coconut tree. But will there be enough room? With an insistent, repetitive chorus of “chicka, chicka, boom, boom,” this book entertains while teaching the alphabet without even trying. Capital and small letters are both introduced. When all the letters get to the top of the tree, it bends over and all the “baby” (lower case) letters fall out. Then, each “adult” (upper case) letter comes, rescues its baby, and runs home to take care of their various (not serious) injuries. A very clever presentation of the alphabet.

Little Bear can't wait to try out some new experiences, and he certaanly can't wait to listen to Mummy Bear's advice. But when he realises that he's taken on more than he can handle, Mummy Bear is ready to come to the rescue. With writing paper and envelopes to write a letter to your mummy telling her how much you love her.

Book Description

Rhyming text and delightful illustrations show dads and their kidshaving all sorts of fun camping, gardening, pretending, and justbeing together. Illustrations.

Book Dimension

Height (mm) 207 Width (mm) 171

I remember this book from my childhood and was delighted to be ableto find it on Amazon and read it to my children, who love it aswell. The clever mouse dentist and his wife know they shouldn'ttreat the fox, but are too kind-hearted to turn away a creature inpain. But they think of a plan to make sure he doesn't eat themafter the treatment! Very funny text and pictures. Agem.

William Steig's books are very funny both to adults and children,which is an amazing accomplishment if you think about it.

The story involves a mouse dentist, Dr. DeSoto, who has a foxpresent himself for dental work. Normally Dr. DeSoto doesn't workon carnivorous patients, but he feels sorry for the fox, who has atoothache. Even while Dr. DeSoto is fixing the fox's tooth,however, the fox is thinking about what a tasty treat his dentistwill be.

The humor lies in William Steig's use of language -- he is wellknown for not talking down to children, but slipping in somewonderful "big words" that children love to hear and that increasetheir vocabularies painlessly.

I can't imagine anyone not finding this book entertaining. WilliamSteig will be greatly missed.





Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler team up again to create thisfunny and adorable sequel to The Gruffalo. One night, theGruffalo’s child wanders into the woods to search for the Big BadMouse. But instead, she comes upon a small mouse in the woods . . .and decides to eat him! But wait, what is that? A shadow of a verylarge, scary creature falls on the ground. Could it be the Big BadMouse after all?

When Swiper steals all of the friendship bracelets onFriendship Day, Dora travels all around the world to return thebracelets so that they will properly glow.

Katy caboose doesn't like her life at the back of the train.Stuck with clouds of billowing smoke from the engine and a bumpy,jolting ride, she longs for some peace and quiet. When her rustybolts bust loose, Katy finally gets the life she wants in a way shenever expected This Read-Along Book and CD Favorite includes apaperback edition of the book and a compact disc in a newlydesigned reusable package. Perfect for car trips, classrooms, andbedtime listening, these recordings feature lively sound effectsand original music. The CD includes one reading with page-turnsignals as well as an uninterrupted reading.



















In an effort to fatten up Mrs. Chicken for his delicious stew,Wolf unwittingly makes some new friends. "The wolf is an endearingcritter whose expressions run the gamut from sly to shy todownright lovable. A good option for story hours".--Booklist.Winner of the Kentucky Bluegrass Award. An ALA Notable Children'sBook. Full color. A hungry wolf's attempts to fatten a chicken forhis stewpot have unexpected results.

The lively adventures of the twelve famous little girls andGenevieve the dog take readers once more to Bemelmans' unique anddelightful Paris. A Caldecott Award Book. Full-color illustrations.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition ofthis title.
