ca 其他5岁情感类绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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Lydia Grace Finch brings a suitcase full of seeds to the biggray city, where she goes to stay with her Uncle Jim, acantankerous baker. There she initiates a gradual transformation,bit by bit brightening the shop and bringing smiles tocustomers' faces with the flowers she grows. But it is ina secret place that Lydia Grace works on her masterpiece -- anambitious rooftop garden -- which she hopes will make even UncleJim smile. Sarah Stewart introduces readers to an engaging anddetermined young heroine, whose story is told through letterswritten home, while David Small's illustrationsbeautifully evoke the Depression-era setting.

Even if her little boy were an alligator or a super-smelly skunk, this mother would love her child unconditionally. Share this magical book with the Stinky Face in your life! The first in the popular Stinky Face series - now in board book!

The Bookseller ...a heartwarming picture book. George the giant is not only smart but also kind... gentle verse and bold illustration... The Children's Bookseller :The perfect picture book with a special feel-good factor, which makes it an ideal present for young readers.


