Orange Pear Apple Bear 橘子.梨子.苹果.熊
This book is very simple, but the rhythm is great and it's funto read. It's got beautiful illustrations for the babies to enjoy,a few words for the toddlers to learn, and some clever turns ofphrase that my preschooler is just now picking up on. Highlyrecommended.
This is a must have for every library. Beautiful watercolorillustrations, fun story, simple patterns.
It's all about an orange, a pear, an apple, and a bear. Thedrawings are brash and fun, and the preschool set should love them.Adults probably won't be as amused by it as by Wolves, but get usedto it, cause your three-year-old will get a real kick out of it.And deservedly so, cause it's a lot of fun.
炭笔素描,水彩着色,文字极少,画面强调留白,凸显书里重要的四个物件橘子,西洋梨,苹果相关的例句大熊。一只大熊和三个水果之间会有什么关系呢?除了吃与被吃之外,作者运用色彩和形状的对照,做了有趣的造型与色彩的实验,譬如,西洋梨叠在苹果上头,跟一只站立大熊的形状相似。最后,大熊吃掉水果,扬长而去,留下一堆果皮果核。大熊吃水果,这本来什么一瞬间的事,但Emily Gravett却在这四个小物件中串起了微妙的文字游戏。