An Extraordinary Egg 一只奇特的蛋
三只青蛙生活在一起。一天,爱冒险的那只青蛙捡回了一颗巨大的蛋,等蛋孵好以后,他们和蛋里的“小鸡”成为了好朋友。大家一起生活一起玩耍,直到有一天,“小鸡”找到了自己的妈妈,三只青蛙很开心,不过,他们却很疑惑:“鸡”妈妈对自己孩子的叫法怎么跟他们不一样呢?Now in Dragonfly comes the tale of three colorful frogs. Onefinds a pebble.
Another declares it a chicken egg. But what happens when a babyalligator
hatches instead? "Kids will giggle at the frogs' repeatedreferences to the
friendly newborn as `the chicken.' They'll be even more tickledwhen the frogs
chuckle at the `mother chicken' who, finally reunited with heroffspring,
greets her `sweet little alligator'...In his 40th book, Lionni isin
typically fine form" (Publisher's Weekly).