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As Duckling sets off to explore the world, Chick is closebehind, mimicking each of his actions with a perky "Me too." Butwhen Duckling decides to go for a swim, his friend is in for asurprise.

This charming tale, with brightly colored illustrations by JoseAruego and Ariane Dewey, will delight small children who are alsodiscovering the world around them.

"I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree."In the spring, Nicholas likes to sniff the flowers, and in thesummer, watch the frogs in the pond. In the fall, he watches theanimals getting ready for winter, and in winter, watches the snowfalling from the sky. This beautifully illustrated, gentle story isone of Golden's most beloved titles.

I love you when you give me kisses.

I love you when you need hugs...

Most of all, I love you just the way you are.

In his newest picture book, Todd Parr explores the meaning ofunconditional love in a heartfelt, playful way. Featuring aheart-shaped die-cut and sparkling silver foil on the cover, thisis the perfect way to say, "I love you!" Parents and caregivers aresure to be inspired by Todd's vibrant illustrations and tendersentiments, and will enjoy sharing this very special book with thelittle ones they love.

Book Description

Rhyming text and delightful illustrations show dads and their kidshaving all sorts of fun camping, gardening, pretending, and justbeing together. Illustrations.

Book Dimension

Height (mm) 207 Width (mm) 171

It’s time for Little Bear to go to bed. But where can he be?Father Bear searches all over the house. Has he forgotten thatLittle Bear’s been riding his shoulders the whole time? Little oneswill enjoy being in on the joke as they look at Richard Scarry’scolorful pictures. This classic Little Golden Book is now availableas a Little Golden Treasure for the littlest of listeners toenjoy.

With art by Richard Scarry, you know this is going to be morethan your average color concept book: it educates and entertainstoo! Bright and fun to look at, it offers plenty of amusement andaction on every page. And as they’re enjoying the lively pictures,toddlers will learn some simple color basics in the most delightfulway.