ca 2013年4岁绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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· 树叶为什么到了秋天会变色?

· 小鹿们在哪里睡觉休息?

· 本书通过一个又一个的问题和情境,向小读者展示了神秘森林里的动物与植物、地上世界与地下世界,白天与黑夜,以及森林的一年四季。


· 眼镜王蛇为什么这么危险?

· 豪猪怎样保护自己?

· 本书通过一个又一个的问题和情境,向小读者展示了非洲大草原、热带雨林、海洋等环境中令人惊讶的野生动物,介绍了它们的习性、生存技巧以及许多鲜为人知的秘密。


· 北极熊生活在哪里?




· 消化系统是如何运作的?

· 当我们在原地快速转动,突然停住时会有什么感觉?









1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!



1、Bert and Ernie at the pond

2、Bert and Ernie go hiking

3、Ernie and the nighttime noises

4、Ernie and the tracks

5、Big bird and Grove move

6、Big bird cleans

7、Big bird shares a snack

8、Big bird the artist

9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors

10、Cookie monster and theparade

11、Cookie monster’sbed

12、Elmo’s shoes

13、Elmo gets dressed

14、Elmo and the cookies

15、Abby flies


1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !

2、Count to 10

3、Monsters munch lunch !

4、I can help !

5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners

6、Up,up,up !

7、Hello, Elmo!

8、Elmo loves you!

9、Elmo’s ABC book

10、Everybody dance!

11、Shall we dance?

12、Double trouble

13、Friendly,frosty monsters

14、Sleep tight !

15、Let’s eat!