ca 2004年其他5岁中文绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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   文图作者约翰 华勒斯非常擅长细节的刻画,从封面到插图,每一页都有许多值得欣赏、回味的东西,对培养孩子的观察力、积累生活经验不无稗益。


Even if her little boy were an alligator or a super-smelly skunk, this mother would love her child unconditionally. Share this magical book with the Stinky Face in your life! The first in the popular Stinky Face series - now in board book!

Illus. in color. The story of a moose who was too hospitable for his own good "is told in verses which march in double-quick time. The pictures are scenes of happy confusion."--The New York Times. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
