ca 2004年其他启蒙类绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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"I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree."In the spring, Nicholas likes to sniff the flowers, and in thesummer, watch the frogs in the pond. In the fall, he watches theanimals getting ready for winter, and in winter, watches the snowfalling from the sky. This beautifully illustrated, gentle story isone of Golden's most beloved titles.

This new version of the Caldecott-winning classic by illustratorDavid Small and author Judith St. George is updated with currentfacts and new illustrations to include our forty-second president,George W. Bush. There are now three Georges in the catalog ofpresidential names, a Bush alongside the presidential family tree,and a new face on the endpaper portraiture.Hilariously illustrated by Small, this celebration by St. Georgeshows us the foibles, quirks and humanity of forty-two men who haverisen to one of the most powerful positions in the world. Perfectfor this election year--and every year!

Even if her little boy were an alligator or a super-smelly skunk, this mother would love her child unconditionally. Share this magical book with the Stinky Face in your life! The first in the popular Stinky Face series - now in board book!

Illus. in color. The story of a moose who was too hospitable for his own good "is told in verses which march in double-quick time. The pictures are scenes of happy confusion."--The New York Times. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

It’s time for Little Bear to go to bed. But where can he be?Father Bear searches all over the house. Has he forgotten thatLittle Bear’s been riding his shoulders the whole time? Little oneswill enjoy being in on the joke as they look at Richard Scarry’scolorful pictures. This classic Little Golden Book is now availableas a Little Golden Treasure for the littlest of listeners toenjoy.












在去捉虫子的路上,莎娜们碰到了一只在草丛里的小白熊。小白熊肚子饿得走不动了,可是小白熊最喜欢吃的竟是浮在空中的云彩! 把肚子吃得鼓鼓的之后,大家座上用云彩做成的船到天空去探险了。
