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儿童动画 胎教音乐 下载专区 母婴服务 节目预告
ca 2011年6岁启蒙类英文绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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甘伯伯是谁呢?他驾的小船真有点儿像诺亚方舟,看!小女孩、小猫、小狗、小猪……都来搭船了。画面的节奏跳跃,非常富有韵律。左边是咖啡色线条的甘伯伯与小船的远景,右面是新来的动物彩色夸大的“写真”。这些乘客一个一个上船了,光是“我想搭船”这句话就用不同的句子写了9遍May Icome with you?Can Icome along, Mr. Gumpy?I’d likea ride.Will youtake me with you?May Icome, please?Have ayou a place for me?Can wecome too?Can youmake room for me?May Ijoin you?甘伯伯来者不拒,但是有一条:不许吵哦!可是开船没多久,小羊就踢了起来,牛就踹了一脚,小猫就去追兔子……小船翻了。甘伯伯并没有发脾气,而是带着乘客们到了不远的岸上,如果浑身湿漉漉的,还有什么比喝温暖的下午茶更好的呢?One day, Mr Gumpy decides to take a trip along the river in hisboat, but the children, the rabbit, the cat, the pig and lots morefriends ask to join him. Everyone's having a lovely time until theanimals start flapping, hopping, bleating, and kicking and the boatstarts to rock...

Lydia Grace Finch brings a suitcase full of seeds to the biggray city, where she goes to stay with her Uncle Jim, acantankerous baker. There she initiates a gradual transformation,bit by bit brightening the shop and bringing smiles tocustomers' faces with the flowers she grows. But it is ina secret place that Lydia Grace works on her masterpiece -- anambitious rooftop garden -- which she hopes will make even UncleJim smile. Sarah Stewart introduces readers to an engaging anddetermined young heroine, whose story is told through letterswritten home, while David Small's illustrationsbeautifully evoke the Depression-era setting.

It only takes a little to BE BIG! Meet Clifford and Emily Elizabeth in the original Clifford book!Clifford is big. Clifford is red. But most of all, Clifford knowshow to BE A GOOD FRIEND. The BE BIG campaign invites everyone, big and small, to takeaction and raise awareness for how CLIFFORD'S BIG IDEAS can makethe world a better place. Clifford's Big Ideas are:Be a Good Friend * Share * Be Kind * Help Others * Be Truthful *Have Respect * Be Responsible * Play Fair * Work Together * Believein Yourself