All aboard! This rhythmic I-spy journey to school through various landscapes, is the perfect introduction to colors, modes of transportation, and of course, music!
This new collection features seven of your favorite LittleCritter stories! Join Little Critteras he enters the school sciencefair, builds his own growing machine, trains for a big race, enjoysa snowy day, becomes the captain of a tugboat, drives a dump truck,and spends a weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. When Little Critteris your friend, even the most ordinary day can turn into anadventure!
相关推荐-- The Runaway Bunny 逃家小兔(英国纪念版) Diary of a Worm, The Runaway Bunny 《蚯蚓日记》、《逃家小兔》两册套装 The Runaway Bunny [Book and CD]逃家小兔(纽约时报年度最佳图书,书+CD) The Runaway Bunny (Lap Edition, Board Book) 逃家小兔(纽约时报年度最佳图书, 超大开本卡板书) The Runaway Bunny [Hardcover]逃家小兔(纽约时报年度最佳图书,精装) Clement Hurd redrew some of his pictures for this new edition of the profoundly comforting story of a bunny's imaginary game of hide-and-seek and the lovingly steadfast mother who finds him every time.
《蓬头安的新姐妹》 玛塞拉无意中在奶奶家的阁楼上找到了一个破布娃娃――“蓬头安”。从此,玛塞拉再也离不开蓬头安,他们成了最好的伙伴。蓬头安聪明、善良、勇敢,她会带着娃娃们悄悄溜进厨房“偷吃”美食;面对新娃娃们的嘲笑,她微笑面对,毫不介意;她会带着小狗菲多去看仙女送来的“礼物”……天使般的蓬头安,能把身边的所有坏事变成好事。 《蓬头安营救菲多狗》 蓬头安聪明、善良、勇敢,每当朋友们遇到困难,她总会想尽一切办法帮助他们。她深夜溜出娃娃屋,带领娃娃们去偷狗人家里救菲多;她说服猫妈妈,帮小猫咪们得到主人的爱;她还热心地帮母鸡把鸡蛋孵出小鸡……天使一样的蓬头安,能把身边的所有坏事变成好事。 《蓬头安和洗衣日》 蓬头安的生活也不总是那么美好,也有很多不开心的事情发生:比如莫名其妙地被洗丢了一颗鞋扣眼睛;比如被孩子们绑在风筝上最后挂到树枝上;比如被粉刷匠扔着玩儿时不小心掉进了油漆桶……可她一点儿也不介意,一直微笑着面对。天使一样的蓬头安,能把身边的所有坏事变成好事。 《蓬头安迪的来历》 一天,爸爸收到了一个包裹,打开后就看到了蓬头安迪。爸爸把和蓬头安分开了五十多年的蓬头安迪带回了家,让他住在娃娃屋。娃娃们都很欢迎蓬头安迪,大家一起开心地跳起了舞。蓬头安迪和蓬头安还回忆起了很久以前发生的故事。蓬头安迪和蓬头安一样,热情、聪明、善良,大家都很喜欢他。 《蓬头安迪的微笑》 蓬头安迪是个非常棒的小伙子。他教伙伴们一起拉太妃糖,送给路边的小朋友;他想尽办法,为法国娃娃治好了睁不开眼睛的“病”;他得到圣诞老爷爷的帮助,微笑重新回到脸上;他还陪小主人玛塞拉在雪地里做“天使”。蓬头安迪和蓬头安一样,热情、聪明、善良,大家都很喜欢他。 《蓬头安迪的新发现》 蓬头安迪是个非常棒的小伙子。他领着小伙伴们追复活节兔子;他带大家在新檐槽上玩耍;他让新朋友木马在屋子里带着大家奔跑;他和娃娃们趴在贝壳边,听贝壳讲自己的故事。蓬头安迪和蓬头安一样,热情、聪明、善良,大家都很喜欢他。
1.蓬头安的新姐妹 2.蓬头安营救菲多狗 3.蓬头安和洗衣日 4.蓬头安迪的来历 5.蓬头安迪的微笑 6.蓬头安迪的新发现
The sweet, yellow puppy is here C Woof!
Join Biscuit in all his adventures. Each day presents the chanceto make new friends or learn something new.
A collection of ten stories about the sweet, yellow puppyBiscuit.
Contains: Bathtime for Biscuit, Biscuit, Biscuit and the Bunny,Biscuit Goes to the Park, Biscuit Meets the Neighbors, Biscuit'sBirthday, Biscuit's Day at the Beach, Biscuit's New Trick,Biscuit's Picnic and Time to paint, Biscuit!
全书包含10个故事,分别是 1.Biscuit 小饼干
2.Biscuit Wins a Prize 小饼干得到一个披萨
3.Biscuit's New Trick 小饼干的新游戏
4.Happy Birthday, Biscuit! 生日快乐,小饼干!
5.Biscuit's Picnic 小饼干的野餐
6.Biscuit's Day at the Beach 小饼干在海边
7.Time to Paint, Biscuit! 该画画儿了,小饼干!
8.Biscuit Meets the Neighbors 小饼干遇到邻居
9.Biscuit Goes to the Park 小饼干上公园
10.Biscuit and the Bunny 小饼干和小兔子
Goethe (1749-1832) is celebrated as a great German poet,novelist, and philosopher. But in his eyes, color theory was hismost significant achievement. In 1810 Goethe published Farbenlehre,naming three primary colors--red, blue, and yellow--from which allother colors could be made, and claiming that each color had anopposite, or complementary, color. But how does this relate towell-loved artist Eric Carle's Hello, Red Fox? Well, it's likethis. On his special birthday, Little Frog's friends--Red Fox,Purple Butterfly, Orange Cat, and others--begin to arrive at hishouse for a party. Imagine Mama Frog's surprise when she perceivesRed Fox as green, Purple Butterfly as yellow, and so on. Each time,Little Frog gently points out that she simply hasn't stared at eachanimal long enough to see his or her "true color."
At the beginning of the book, readers are instructed to stare forten seconds at the boldly colored animal on the left side of thespread, then transfer their unblinking gaze (more like glaze atthis point) to the blank white page on the right. If they do thatsuccessfully, a shadowy image of the animal appears in itscomplementary color! Young kids may think this is magic, butactually the phenomenon taking place between the eye and the brainis called "simultaneous contrast after-image." No matter what youcall it, it's amazing and fun to behold! The story itself is simpleand deliberately repetitive, appealing to very young children, butthe optical illusions will be a hit with all ages. Carle's boldcollage illustrations are perfect for this playful spin around thecolor wheel, which ends with the green Little Frog turning red whenMama Frog kisses him in front of all of his friends. (Ages 4 to 8).Karin Snelson --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
From Publishers Weekly
"Carle offers a straightforward, repetitive text and minimalistcut-paper art to demonstrate Goethe's 19th-century color theory,"said PW. Ages 2-up.