ca 2004年5岁启蒙类英文绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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What a night!

The moon is full.

Kitten is hungry

and inquisitive

and brave

and fast

and persistent

and unlucky . . .

then lucky!

What a night!

This new version of the Caldecott-winning classic by illustratorDavid Small and author Judith St. George is updated with currentfacts and new illustrations to include our forty-second president,George W. Bush. There are now three Georges in the catalog ofpresidential names, a Bush alongside the presidential family tree,and a new face on the endpaper portraiture.Hilariously illustrated by Small, this celebration by St. Georgeshows us the foibles, quirks and humanity of forty-two men who haverisen to one of the most powerful positions in the world. Perfectfor this election year--and every year!

When the little mouse, Contrary Mary, appears to be unhappy at her most unusual birthday party, her father knows just what to do to get her to laugh.

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