ca 2003年及以前6岁亲情类绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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圆嘟嘟的身体、黑曜石一般的眼睛、粉红的耳朵和脸颊,这是提姆和莎兰,一对可爱的双胞胎小老鼠。自1989年诞生以来,一直是无数孩子的童年挚爱。提姆和莎兰在家人的关爱下成长,每天都有新鲜有趣的故事:快乐自在的玩耍、家庭的亲情传递、与邻里的交往、与新伙伴的相识……故事娓娓道来,笔调舒缓有致,读来就像是孩子自己身边的人和事一样,贴近孩子的心灵。字里行间满满的都是爱与幸福。   故事背后还蕴含着充满智慧的道理,孩子在享受阅读乐趣的同时,能自然地养成感恩、分享、乐于付出、积极探索等优秀的品格。在每一天的生活小事里培养出孩子的气质,水到渠成地帮助孩子的成长。所以,数十年来,无数爸爸妈妈把“幸福的提姆和莎兰”送给孩子当礼物。日本全国图书馆理事会、日本图书馆协会还把这套书指定为必选图书。

Milo doesn’t get it: What’s the big deal about moms? They’re just slavedriving broccoli bullies. Yet they are worshipped the world over! Perhaps even the galaxy over―because here come Martians and they’re after one thing only: moms. Milo’s mom in particular. Who better to drive them to soccer practice and to pizza parties? That’s quite a long way to come for a mom―could it be that Milo has been overlooking something special?
From Pulitzer PrizeCwinning comic strip creator of Bloom County and bestselling author Berkeley Breathed comes a funny, poignant book about how the unique love that binds our families can be overlooked in the rush and tumble of everyday lives . . . especially those of disgruntled little boys.