ca 2003年及以前其他4岁趣味类绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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“A told B, and B told C, ‘I’ll meet you on top of the coconuttree.’” This rollicking rhythmic beginning starts a lively, tongue-tingling adventure as all the characters from A to Z try to climb to the top of the coconut tree. But will there be enough room? With an insistent, repetitive chorus of “chicka, chicka, boom, boom,” this book entertains while teaching the alphabet without even trying. Capital and small letters are both introduced. When all the letters get to the top of the tree, it bends over and all the “baby” (lower case) letters fall out. Then, each “adult” (upper case) letter comes, rescues its baby, and runs home to take care of their various (not serious) injuries. A very clever presentation of the alphabet.

This is my mat! The fat cat sat on the mat. "Get off!" said the rat. But the fat cat just sat. So the rat got his bat. Then the rat got his hat. Will the rat and the bat and the hat get the fat cat off the mat?

  Halloween has Arthur spooked! When his little sister wanders off into the scariest house on the street, Arthur has to find the courage to go in and save her. Will Arthur and D.W. make it out alive?