ca 2003年及以前美国7岁益智类绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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Sally, Huckle, and Lowly are supposed to go sailing with Huckle and Sally's father, but it starts to rain. Father says they will have to stay inside and play, but their friend Rudolf von Flugel saves the day when he picks the kids up in his airplane-car and whisks them off to the airport for a fun day of sightseeing. Full of airport fun and "Scarry" mishaps.

Drippy and Sticky the house painters have come to paint theBusytown Fire Station. But with Smokey and the other bravefirefighters rushing in and out to rescue people, there are quite afew wet paint mishaps! Filled with information about firefightersand Scarry’s sense of fun, this book is sure to delight youngreaders everywhere.

这一次,妈妈同样外出去城里了,临走前,给萨莉和哥哥分配了扫雪的任务。满院子的雪,什么时候才能打扫干净呢?突然,戴高帽子的猫出现了!兄妹俩可不想搭理这只淘气猫,可他竟然径自闯进屋里,躺在浴缸里吃蛋糕!吃完了,还留下一圈粉色的脏污,怎么也清理不掉。眼看两兄妹急得干瞪眼,戴高帽子的猫自告奋勇——妈妈的白裙子、浴室的墙、爸爸的皮鞋、甚至是爸爸的大床……都成了他的工具,可是依然没法除去这些讨厌的脏污。这可怎么办呢?只见这只大猫从头上的帽子里变出小猫A,然后是小猫B、C、D、 E……它们一个比一个小,热火朝天地要帮大猫清除脏污,却越弄越糟糕!从小猫A到小猫Y,浴池里的一圈脏污由于这群小猫的存在,变成了整个院子的脏污,连雪也变成粉红色的了!这群捣蛋的戴高帽子的猫总是越帮越忙!对了,还有一只小猫Z!它小得不能再小,你瞪大了眼睛也瞧不见。小猫Z能帮大猫和他的25个小伙伴清除这些脏污吗?萨莉和哥哥能在妈妈回来前把雪打扫干净吗?

苏斯博士《戴高帽子的猫》自创作之初就成了一个品牌,兰登书屋“Beginner Book”的logo即为这只猫的高帽子。该书仍然使用6岁儿童能识别的200多个单词,用押韵俏皮的诗句形式向孩子们讲述了一只调皮搞怪却又古道热肠的猫的故事。孩子们不仅能从中巩固A——Z等26个英文字母,还能轻松地学会像“cold”(冷)和“warm”(温暖) ,“fun”(有趣 )和“down”( 消沉), “dig” (讽刺)和“pig” (猪), “news”(新闻)和 “shoes”(鞋)等反义词或谐音词,寓教于乐,真是太棒了!