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On Monday he ate through one apple.

But he was still hungry.

On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was stillhungry.

On Wednesday he ate though three plums, but he was stillhungry.

On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was stillhungry......'

On Saturday, he eats so much he has a stomachache......but putsit right on Sunday, when he only nibbles through a nice greenleaf!

Then he builds a cocoon and stays inside for over twoweeks......and an amazing thing happens!

With more than 7 million copies in print in various formatsand languages, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Is one ofthe most treasured children’s books of all time. Now, more than 40years after its first printing, this classic is finally availablein a new, affordable paperback and CD edition.

The narration, provided by Academy Award winning actress GwynethPaltrow, comes from a Grammy-nominated recording, which is sure tobring warmth and humor to children and parents alike.

A special bonus Spanish-language track is included on the audioCD.

The Fox is after Rosie, but Rosie doesn't know it. Unwittingly,she leads him into one disaster after other, each funnier than thelast. To enjoy Rosie's walk as much as Rosie, does, just lookinside!









About the Author

Pat Hutchins is the author-illustrator of several popular picturebooks, including Good-Night, Owl; Titch; and The Wind Blew, forwhich she won the Kate Greenaway Medal. She lives in London,England.

佩特·哈群斯(Pat Hutchins)


她到了纽约之后一直想从事插画工作,在麦克米兰出版公司一位编辑的建议下,她写出了《母鸡萝丝去散步》,这本1968年出版的处女作让她一举成名。她的作品色彩明媚,故事幽默、简单流畅,总是贴近孩子们的角度认真面对他们的问题,深受全世界儿童的喜爱。她的主要作品还有获英国凯特·格林纳威奖的《风吹起来》(TheWind Blew,1974)、《蒂奇》(Titch,1971)、《千变万化》(Changes, Changes,1971)、《一个猎人》(One Hunter,1983)以及《最坏最坏的妖兽》(The Very WorstMonster,1985)等三十多部。


A warm, hilarious, witty and very personal tribute to Dad (andto dads everywhere) by the ever-brilliant and inventive AnthonyBrowne.

He's all right, my dad. He's as strong as a gorilla and happy asa hippopotamus. He's a great dancer, a brilliant singer, he'sfantastic at football and he makes me laugh. A lot. But that's notall that's great about my dad.

Illus. in color. "An exquisite picture book. A little fish,the lone survivor of a school of fish swallowed by a tuna, devisesa plan to camouflage himself and his new companions."--(starred)"School Library Journal. "       在大海的一个角落里住着一群小鱼,大家都是红色的,只有一条是黑色的。有一天,一只凶猛的金枪鱼吃掉了所有的小红鱼,只有小黑鱼逃走了。他孤身一人在海里游荡,遇到了很多稀奇古怪的生命,又高兴起来。小黑鱼又遇到的一群躲在礁石后的小红鱼,为了生存,不再躲避,他想了个好办法,教他们游成大鱼的样子,而自己来当眼睛!就这样,他们在清凉的早晨游,在明媚的中午游,把大鱼都吓跑了。

This lively poem by the author of "Goodnight Moon" tells thetale of one little boy's letter. What happens after the boy dropsit into the mailbox? How does it get to his grandma's house?Children will enjoy this rollicking tale of the seven littlepostmen who got the mail through.

"Bark, George," says George's mother, and George goes: "Meow," which definitely isn't right, because George is a dog.

And so is his mother, who repeats, "Bark, George." And George goes, "Quack, quack."

What's going on with George? Find out in this hilarious new picture book from Jules Feiffer.

2000 ALA Notable Children's Book, 2000 Notable Children's Books(ALA), and 2000 Charlotte Zolotow Award Honor Book

2001 Buckeye Children's Book Award, 00-01 Keystone to Reading Book Award Masterlist, and 00 2X2 Reading List (TLA)