这套《儿童英语听说绘本》系列按照词汇、句式和故事的难度,共分为3级,《奇思妙想篇》是套系的延续,内含8册全英文绘本故事、1册英语听说学习指南和1张MP3光盘。8册绘本故事中的《里克和来克的欢乐郊游》和《泳池时光》作者Ethan Long为苏斯博士金奖得主,其创作的幼儿动画片Tasty Time with Zefronk还获得了国际艾美奖提名。
Charles Solomon is an internationally respected critic and historian of animation. He has written on the subject for The New York Times, TV Guide, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Los Angeles Times, Modern Maturity, Film Comment, and The Hollywood Reporter. His books include Tale As Old As Time: The Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast; Disney Lost and Found, The Prince of Egypt: A New Vision in Animation, The Disney That Never Was, and Enchanted Drawings: The History of Animation, which was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and the first film book to be nominated for a National Book Critics' Circle Award.
ls-than the Disney Golden Books.The history of these books began in 1933, when the president of Whitman Publishing wrote a letter to Walt Disney. Whitman had already published compilations of the "Dick Tracy" and "Little Orphan Annie" comic strips, and these Big Little Books had met with great success. The publisher proposed a similar collection of the "Mickey Mouse" comic strips, and offered a royalty of one-half percent per book. Walt agreed, and a new era in Disney publishing commenced.A remarkable lineup of talent, many of whom were Disney Studio artists - including Mary Blair, Alice and Martin Provensen, Gustaf Tenggren, Al Dempster, Retta Scott Worcester, and Bill Peet -created the illustrations for the early Disney Golden Books. The bold and incredibly detailed artwork was painstakingly executed in gouache and watercolour - media that required a steady hand and immense patience and precision. The resulting publications became favourite selections in the libraries of many children, among them, future generations of Disney and Pixar artists who were inspired to draw, dream, and later, create their own films and Golden Books.The Art of the Disney Golden Books celebrates a legacy that has now thrived for more than eighty years and continues to influence new generations of artists and filmmakers. Through interviews with contemporary animators who recall tracing the characters in their childhood Disney Golden Books, paintings by artists who influenced and inspired the Disney Golden Book illustrations, and a generous complement of Golden Book artwork - much of which was thought to have been lost until very recently - the rich tradition of the series is explored in this vibrant volume.From Peter Pan and Cinderella to Toy Story and Tangled, the Disney Golden Books are displayed in all their glory, evoking a poignant sense of wonder and nostalgia. For as long as parents and children partake in the ritual of reading together at bedtime, the Disney Golden Books will continue to be published, enjoyed, and treasured.
1、Bert and Ernie at the pond
2、Bert and Ernie go hiking
3、Ernie and the nighttime noises
4、Ernie and the tracks
5、Big bird and Grove move
6、Big bird cleans
7、Big bird shares a snack
8、Big bird the artist
9、Cookie and Elmo eat their colors
10、Cookie monster and theparade
11、Cookie monster’sbed
12、Elmo’s shoes
13、Elmo gets dressed
14、Elmo and the cookies
15、Abby flies
1、Elmo is red,Cookie is blue !
2、Count to 10
3、Monsters munch lunch !
4、I can help !
5、Grover’s Guide to Good Manners
6、Up,up,up !
7、Hello, Elmo!
8、Elmo loves you!
9、Elmo’s ABC book
10、Everybody dance!
11、Shall we dance?
12、Double trouble
13、Friendly,frosty monsters
14、Sleep tight !
15、Let’s eat!
Although I was a little surprised that this book was named theCaldecott winner this year, the first time I read it to a class, Iunderstood why. Kindergartners and first graders absolutely LOVEit! They laughed out loud and covered their eyes as the animalstumbled to the ground. I enjoy it more every time I share it with agroup of students. It's first rate!
There are some books in the world that you can flip through inthe bookstore and get a pretty good idea of the plot andcharacters. Then there are books like "My Friend Rabbit". Roughly ayear ago I wanted to know what all the "My Friend Rabbit" fuss wasabout. I mean, this book was a 2003 Caldecott Award winner afterall. I wanted to see why. So I went to my local independentbookstore and flipped through it. I flipped and flipped and wasbaffled by the heaping helpfuls of praise it had received. Myhaphazard flipping didn't reveal anything particularly interestingor original in the story. Fast forward a year and I've finallytaken the time to sit down and read, "My Friend Rabbit" in itsentirety (a process which took me all of 93 seconds). Suddenly Iunderstood why it was so beloved. Though an incredibly simple plot,story, and set of characters, "My Friend Rabbit" is a remarkablybeautiful tale of two woodland creatures and their plane relatedmisadventures. It's simple in words and complex invisuals.