ca 其他5岁益智类英文绘本故事书 - 儿童绘本 - 宝宝地带
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"Level One"

It's a busy day at the "Cakes and More" bake shop The mice get there first thing in the morning to open their shop. Then they chop, stir, ice, and bake their way to the end of the day. Fun characters pick up tasty treats and keep the mice on their feet. This is a fast-paced, easy-to-read book with memorable characters and sweet illustrations

  Halloween has Arthur spooked! When his little sister wanders off into the scariest house on the street, Arthur has to find the courage to go in and save her. Will Arthur and D.W. make it out alive?

Little Sammy and his friends are having one spooky Halloween! They bob for apples, eat scary shaped Halloween cookies, and go trick-or-treating for other spooky treats. Children will love to read—and smell—all The Spooky Smells of Halloween.